School closures today

The following schools are closed due to poor weather:

Rainyvale Senior Secondary
Snowyvale Elementary

All other schools are operating as normal.

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Board Policies

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Policy 1: Foundational Statements

Our Vision

Sunnyvale School Division will be a collaborative community of engaged learners that inspires all students to realize their full and complete potential.  

Our Mission

The mission of Sunnyvale School Division is to foster engaging and student-centred learning environments that will inspire each student to strive for personal excellence and allow all learners to thrive.

Our Values      

Our values guide our behavior, structure our operations and shape our Division strategies. For every decision we make, we will hold ourselves accountable to these values, and ask:

  • Is this what’s best for our students?
  • Will this help us build trust and improve relationships?
  • How will this decision further education, inform practice and enhance learning?

Sunnyvale School Division values students by:

  • Ensuring students are always our top priority. We are committed to making decisions in the best interest of our students and seeing every learner as unique and worthwhile while  supporting them in their learning journey
  • Supporting inclusive, safe and caring learning communities that respect diversity and foster a sense of empathy and belonging
  • Establishing and communicating high expectations for students when it comes to academics, attendance, achievement, behavior, citizenship and extracurriculars

Sunnyvale School Division values education and learning by:

  • Providing high quality learning opportunities for all
  • Engaging our students and staff to pursue their passions and empower all to realize their potential and achieve personal excellence
  • Supporting  teacher and staff development to best meet the needs of a diverse and vibrant student population, preparing them for an ever-changing modern society
  • Promoting wellness and balance and supporting the mental and emotional health of all students and staff
  • Providing students with access to a rich variety of learning opportunities and ways they can demonstrate their learning

Sunnyvale School division values trust and relationships by:

  • Recognizing that learning is a collaborative effort that requires the engagement of students, staff, parents/guardians, and communities
  • Striving to ensure all stakeholders feel connected, valued, respected and have a voice
  • Recognizing that we are accountable to students, parents/guardians and all stakeholders  


Legal Reference:

Legal Reference:    Preamble, Section 3, 7, 11, 18, 25, 27, 33, 35.1, 51, 52, 53, 67, 222 Education Act

Fiscal Planning and Transparency Act

Guide to Education ECS to Grade 12

Policy and Requirements for School Board Planning and Reporting

School Authority Planning and Reporting Reference Guide


Approved: August 21, 2018

Reviewed: October 2019