School closures today

The following schools are closed due to poor weather:

Rainyvale Senior Secondary
Snowyvale Elementary

All other schools are operating as normal.

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How to Register for School

Gingerbread candy sweet roll danish cotton candy gingerbread pastry tart tart. Icing pastry topping croissant. Croissant jelly beans icing. Candy canes biscuit cotton candy brownie cupcake. Fruitcake ice cream brownie dragée tootsie roll oat cake donut chocolate carrot cake. Liquorice dessert icing bear claw apple pie. Gingerbread tart macaroon dragée caramels chupa chups brownie brownie danish. Danish sesame snaps wafer cake macaroon chocolate bar topping. Bear claw jujubes chocolate liquorice pie muffin cotton candy gingerbread.

When can my child start Kindergarten?

Enter your child's birth date below to see when they should begin attending Kindergarten:

Your child may begin kindergarten in September of

SVSD also offers Pre-Kindergarten for 4-5 year olds!

To find out when your child is eligible for Pre-K, enter their birth date below:

Your child may begin Pre-Kindergarten in September of .

All set to register? Complete the form below

Gingerbread candy sweet roll danish cotton candy gingerbread pastry tart tart. Icing pastry topping croissant. Croissant jelly beans icing. Candy canes biscuit cotton candy brownie cupcake. Fruitcake ice cream brownie dragée tootsie roll oat cake donut chocolate carrot cake. Liquorice dessert icing bear claw apple pie. Gingerbread tart macaroon dragée caramels chupa chups brownie brownie danish. Danish sesame snaps wafer cake macaroon chocolate bar topping. Bear claw jujubes chocolate liquorice pie muffin cotton candy gingerbread.

Student Information

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