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Board Policies

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Policy 2: Appendix B: Facilitated Board Self Evaluation Process


The annual facilitated Board self-evaluation process shall be completed subsequent to the Superintendent evaluation process. The two evaluation processes are complementary in nature.

Part 1

The Act provides the Board with significant authority including the authority to delegate. The Board must decide the authority it wishes to delegate and the authority to be retained. The Board is the only body in the Division which can hold the Board accountable for performing its legally defined role.

With reference to Policy 2 Role of the Board, Policy 2 Appendix A – Annual Board Work Plan and the motions passed during Regular and Special meetings held during the evaluation period individual trustees will assess the corporate Board’s effectiveness relative to each role area. The objective is to identify areas of strength on which to build and specific changes for the greater effectiveness that the corporate Board is committed to make during the next evaluation period.

Evaluation Tool: Collect, collate and analyze responses to a Role of the Board questionnaire.

Part 2

The Board functions as a corporate entity. Individual trustees have only the authority granted them by the corporate Board. Therefore the interpersonal working relationships between and among trustees is vital to the effective functioning of the Board.

Evaluation Tool: Collect, collate and analyze responses to a Board Interpersonal Working Relationships questionnaire.

Part 3

The Board is elected for a four-year term. One key role is to represent the ratepayers within the boundaries of the Division and effectively communicate to the electorate between elections in a manner which creates assurance and builds confidence.

Evaluation Tool: Collect, collate and analyze responses to a Communications/ Representation questionnaire.

Part 4

Boards have fiduciary, strategic and generative governance roles. All must be performed in an ethical manner.

Evaluation Tool: Collect, collate and analyze responses to a Readiness for Governance questionnaire.

Part 5

With reference to the functioning of the First Team during the evaluation period trustees will assess Board/Superintendent relationships. In other words, is the Board effectively performing its role to make the First Team effective?

Evaluation Tool: Collect, collate and analyze responses to a Board/Superintendent relations questionnaire.