School closures today

The following schools are closed due to poor weather:

Rainyvale Senior Secondary
Snowyvale Elementary

All other schools are operating as normal.

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Alonsa School

Welcome to Alonsa School!

lonsa School is a K-12 School with a student population of approximately 111.  We have 11 Teachers, seven Educational Assistants, one School Secretary, one School Librarian, one Community Connector,  one Community Connector Support Worker, two Custodians and five Bus Drivers.

As our school motto is "Making a Difference Through Empowerment", we have aligned school operations to support that motto.

We offer full academic programming from K-12.  The Alonsa School Kindergarten program runs all day every day and a Nursery School program through C-FAN (Childcare-Family Access Network) that runs two days per week.  Grades 9-12 students have a full range of course options for selection as well as Vocational Programming at other schools in the division; Tech Ed and Human Ecology at McCreary School, Automotive at Glenella School and Electrical at Ste. Rose School.  Using a two-year rotation of some courses, students can select optional and required courses.  Students have most grade level required courses offered every year.  Grades 7 and 8 students have a full range of courses offered including Human Ecology, Tech Ed, Automotive and Electrical on a rotational basis.  Although we are a small high school we offer all required and optional courses to meet and exceed the Provincial Graduation and Mature Student Diploma requirements.

We offer instruction in Aboriginal Perspectives to the K to 8 students. These perspectives are integrated within the scope of other subjects during the school day.  Grades 9 to12 students have the First Nations, Inuit & Métis Studies course available to them as an option.  

Our high school timetable runs 6-periods a day on a 6-day cycle.  All morning classes run every day from 40 to 60 minutes in length for the full year.  Our afternoon periods run for 73 minutes alternating days for the entire year.  Students can receive up to 9 credits each year. 

There is a student council active in planning spirit weeks, staff appreciation, Christmas activities, school dances and they support school activities such as field trips, sports and presentations.

There are many extra-curricular activities which occur throughout the school year.  These include:  yearbook, graduation, student council, and sports:  volleyball, curling, track and field, soccer, basketball, baseball and badminton.

​Alonsa School is proud to be designated a Community School through Manitoba Education. We are able to provide programming supports for the students of the Alonsa School community which includes breakfast, snack and lunch programs, special presentations as well as varied academic and social supports. The parent room enhances the programming we provide through the Community School Project. Our Community Connector also acts as liaison within the catchment area of Alonsa School.