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The following schools are closed due to poor weather:

Rainyvale Senior Secondary
Snowyvale Elementary

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Administrative Procedures

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Administrative Procedure 100: Combined Three-Year Education Plan and Annual Education Results Report (AERR)


The Division believes that a results-focused education system contributes to accountability and continuous improvement in education and that reports to all stakeholder groups, including, Alberta Education, student(s), parent(s) and the community, are important. Accordingly, the Division and each school shall annually prepare a Combined Three-Year Education Plan and Annual Education Results Report (AERR) for stakeholder accountability and perusal.


  1. The Combined Three-Year Education Plan and AERR will be developed annually according to Alberta Education requirements.
  2. Division and school education plans and annual results reports, will be communicated to the communities they serve.
  3. School Education Plans and Annual Results Reports are public documents and must be kept on file at central office and at the school; these are to be made available to stakeholders on the school website and at the school, upon request.
  4. Division Combined Three-Year Education Plans and AERR
    1. Division education plans and annual results reports elements required by Alberta Education and the Board.
    2. The Division Plan will include measures and strategies that ensure continuous improvement and address identified issues and concerns related to student learning and stakeholder satisfaction as reflected by annual Accountability Pillar Survey and provincial testing results.
    3. The Superintendent shall:
      1. Submit the Division Plan to the Board for approval;